Retro Revolution Records
Vintage 1979 Shogun Warriors Approx. 5" Great Mazinga- Diecast Japan GA-05
Vintage 1979 Shogun Warriors Approx. 5" Great Mazinga- Diecast Japan GA-05
Vintage 1979 Shogun Warriors Approx. 5" Great Mazinga- Diecast Japan GA-05
missing 2 swords
" The Shogun Warriors. Invincible guardians of world freedom. These toys are the ones that sparked our imagination back in the late 70s, and shaped our idea of cool. Not everyone had a Shogun Warrior – at the time most kids were busy with more affordable toy lines such as Star Wars, Micronauts and Mego Super heroes. But those of us who got them knew that we were onto something special. "
" Great Mazinga was one of the original Shogun Warrior characters, and probably the most recognizable. You ask people of that generation if they had one, and they may not recall the name (“Great something?”) but you describe the bright red V on the chest and they go “That’s the one! It shot fists!”
The version shown here is the second version, a greatly dumbed-down version for the american market.
The arms shoot off
Very hard to find in this condition
lot # 7